03 September 2008

Day 8

"Acknowledge the person you came in to work hard for today."

I am doing the 30 Day Challenge a second time.

17 July 2008

The Morning Battle
They say that in the morning classes, although the body may be stiff, the mind, on the other hand, is sharper, more receptive, and still uncluttered.

During my two 8:30am sessions this week, however, I experienced the complete opposite. My body became a battleground and my mind staged a hostile takeover. I permitted myself to come up with excuses – the room was too packed, I didn’t like what I was wearing, I was standing right under the heater – and didn’t fully commit to most of the poses.

This was my reality for two classes. I allowed the mind to win.

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14 July 2008

Ray of Light
“The body is an intelligent machine,” we are told. It modifies the poses for its own convenience. “It’s not that you mean to cheat,” the teacher clarifies. “You’re just going down a neurological path to where it feels right.”

What feels right, however, is not always the proper way of doing the poses. This is why struggling happens.

“Don’t avoid it. It’s the light that shines on that new path for your body.” I like that this yoga is never supposed to be easy. It’s in that struggle that I’m able to inch past my limits every time I practice.

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11 July 2008

Nothing To Fear
“Reach out even further, and further, and further! Believe me.”

And with that, I just completely let go of two weeks’ worth of fear, which has been keeping me from doing an honest standing bow pulling pose.

In that thirty second one-legged balancing asana, I realized that if I did fall out, face flat on the floor, there’s just enough time for me to get right back in it. No need to waste it on self doubt or on holding myself back, afraid of what I’ll feel next.

I know that I’ll be able to do standing splits one day.

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09 July 2008

day one, once more

I did yoga 21 times last month, 9 times short of doing the 30-day challenge. I love that my body is really looking for it now.

Today is the start of a new yoga month. Last month's goal was to make yoga set the pace for the day. And this month’s goal is to do it earlier, at 6.30 AM.

This cute, Chinese lady was beaming, “It feels good!” This is the woman I twice walked to the Sports Club with, telling me she really prefers the earliest class. “I get more done that way.”

Tomorrow, I will try.

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28 June 2008

At Half-past Three

This is what happens when you go to yoga at 6.30 in the evening.

You sweat out the cold, feel great after class, go to bed early and wake up 5 hours later. Your body thinks it’s better than sleep. Boundless energy at half-past three.

Last night was the first time I saw someone pass out. What I admire about her is she got up after a while and kept going. I don’t think I would have done the same.

I realized there are less complications when I go in the morning, so I want to keep it up.

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27 June 2008

The True Test of Addiction

I’ve been going religiously at 9AM for three weeks; today is the first time I miss. I was seriously considering moving my doctor visit but I knew I’ve been putting it off for too long. And now I think a pap smear is overrated.

I’m planning to go to the 6.30PM class but I’m not sure if my body is up for it: my head started to ache as I was having a massage and now I’m sniffling and phlegmy. I finally got bitten by the cold. To go or not to go? This is the true test of addiction.

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25 June 2008

Building A Practice

“The poses you don’t like to do are the poses that are good for you.”

I was so eager to do yoga today, I was slightly disappointed that this morning’s class was so-so. I don’t know why.

I have to remember what he said. It’s not about perfecting three or four poses. It’s giving effort for everything; you build a practice that way.

I feel like going again later this evening. Maybe it’s time I go for a doubles again. I feel much stronger, after all. I used to take naps at noon, now I don’t really have to.

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17 June 2008

My Daily Dose of Struggle

What is the difference between night and day?

I always believed yoga is harder in the morning. My back, shoulders, sides, hips, knees, toes would all hurt.

But in the past four weeks I’ve made a conscious effort to let my practice set the pace for each day. Struggle is hard, but struggle is good, and in the morning, when I wake up, I feel there’s nothing else I want to do. I’ve gotten past the aches and pains.

I got up after just 5 hours of sleep.

Early in the morning, I blur the difference between night and day.

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10 June 2008

Same Second Same Clap

I like that we feed off each other’s energy. We aim to begin on the same second, on the same clapping or snapping sound, but we go at our own pace, our own depth depending on what our body will allow, each day.

He said the rabbit is easy for me and he wanted me to try something else the next time: my forehead more to my thighs than on the floor, my spine then will become more straight when I inch my hips up.

My dream is to do yoga until I can touch my feet to the sky.

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